Super Immune Boosting Garden Herb Stock #detox #herbdrink

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There is nothing more of a sialagogue than a pot of stock simmering away on the stovetop and this vegan garden herb stock is a recipe you will definitely want to make again and again.

You could actually also call this recipe �herb leftovers� stock, or �herb garden clippings� stock if you wanted, as it�s a perfect way to utilise the remaining part of store-bought herb bunches or to use bits and pieces of plants you�re already growing in your kitchen garden. However, while each of the herbs in this recipes does help create a flavourful stock for meal bases, they also possess powerful antimicrobial, diaphoretic or antiinflammatory actions, making this an effective immune system tonic. Hence, this isn�t any old stock recipe, it�s actually my �immune boosting� herbal decoction � consider it a little bit of herbal medicine you can whip up in your kitchen pharmacy.


  • 2 medium brown onions, finely sliced
  • Cloves of 1 head of garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp whole black peppercorns
  • 3 fresh or dried bay leaves
  • Large handful of any, or all of the following:
  • Fresh rosemary sprigs
  • Fresh thyme sprigs
  • Fresh sage leaves
  • Fresh oregano leaves


  1. Wash all herbs gently under running water to remove debris and discard any blemished or blackened leaves. Add all ingredients to a large stock pot or saucepan and add 4L of water.
  2. Bring stock mixture to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cook, uncovered for 30-45 minutes until stock has reduced by a quarter.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, remove large solids. Discard. Allow to cool to room temperature and then strain remaining stock liquid through a cheesecloth or muslin lined strainer to remove all solids and debris. Store in 1-2 cup capacity containers and refrigerate for up to a week, or freeze for up to 3 months.

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